This Blog includes information related to Library Adaptive Technology events, archives, presenter and participant recommendations and suggestions.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Saturday Technology Training Session February 4th, 2012, 1pm to 4pm, Room 215, Adaptive Services, MLK Library

Saturday Technology Training Session
February 4th, 2012 1pm to 4pm, Room 215, Adaptive Services, MLK Library
Accessible App Demo and Discussion
It is time again for the quarterly adaptive technology training session on accessible apps for the iPhone and other mobile, gestural devices, hosted by Mark Reumann.  Details below:

Mark Reumann – Patent Office
Zuhair Mahmoud – Library of Congress
Don Barrett – Dept of Education
From 1pm to 3pm, this panel will demo and discuss accessible apps, like MoneyReader, Color Identifier and VizWiz.  We may also have a brief update on some of the projects initiated at the Product Identification Workshop November 5th and further developed at the Accessibility Hackathon on Nov 12th.

Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure (GPII)
The purpose of the Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure (GPII) is to ensure that everyone who faces accessibility barriers due to disability, literacy, or aging, regardless of economic resources, can access and use the Internet and all its information, communities, and services for education, employment, daily living, civic participation, health, and safety.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Saturday Technology Training Session January 21, 2012

The Saturday Technology Training Session on January 21st will feature an informal discussion of the outcome of the recent Accessibility Hackathon, as well as demos and an update on the status of ongoing, related projects.

Saturday Technology Training Session
January 21st, 2011
1pm to 4pm
Room 215, Adaptive Services
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library
901 G Street NW
Washington DC, 20001

Our Saturday, January 21st demo and discussion will include the following:

1.       A demo by App Developer Zaid Al-Timimi, of a beta version of the Mobile Accessible Book Generator.  Powered by The Mashup App, the Mobile Accessible Book Generator allows iPhone/iPad users to create e-books for kids with print disabilities. Originally proposed during the 2011 Adaptive Services Division's Accessibility Hackathon, the Mobile Accessible Book Generator is scheduled for release in the first quarter of 2012. A future version is envisioned to allow users to submit generated books to repositories such as Bentech's Bookshare. 

2.       A demo by Kevin Johnson and Patrick Timony of some of the other current digital archiving projects and accessible Internet participation applications related to the Accessibility Hackathon and the Adaptive Technology Program.

3.       Discussion of future events that could help to build the proposed solutions, including several proposed codeathon events, and the Maker Monday regular meetup at the library.

4.       Discussion of a proposed makerspace at the MLK library and the events and activities that could take place there, including skills training, book scanner building, 3D printing, format conversion, and disaster preparedness training and technology development.

The following organizations are currently involved (in no specific order): Adaptive Services Division, LibraryLab, University of Maryland iSchool, OpenForumFoundation, Federal Communications Commission, The Mashup App, Bookshare, VideoWashDC, iStrategyLabs, Bread for the City, Gallaudet Technology Access Program, HAC-DC.

The Accessibility Hackathon was held on Nov 12th, 2011 as a part of DC WEEK’s LibraryTech project ( produced a list of product proposals to meet requirements from the user community (

Library Lab ( is a demonstration project at the DC Public Library that is designed as a community center for annotation, classification, creation, curation, digitization; education and publication, reading and writing and media production.

Free training is available in the Adaptive Services Division, to teach the basics of using ATs.  Networking programs and events on the topic of ATs are coordinated at the library and in the DC area.  Here is a list of our current activities:

    AT Training Program
    Saturday Technology Training Sessions bi-monthly user group
    Adaptive Services Interest Group AT professional meet-up
    Accessibility DC Monthly meet-up
    AccessibilityCampDC Annual Unconference
    Adaptive Technology Tips and Hints online AT tutorials
    Adaptive Services Internet Classroom - learn ATs on your own
    Accessibility Hackathon Project
    Maker Mondays
    Tech Talk Tuesdays
    Audio-Video Archive

Saturday Technology Training Sessions are the 1st and 3rd Saturdays, 1pm to 4pm Adaptive Services Division, DC Public Library, Room 215 Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library 901 G Street NW Washington DC 20001.

Friday, January 13, 2012

"Latest mobile phones for visually impaired"

This is a BBC program -- an overview of accessibility for phones other than the iPhone - Symbian, Android. Title is "Latest mobile phones for visually impaired"  There is a transcript halfway down the page if you dont want to listen to the whole thing.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Top Tech Tidbits

- By visiting the AppleVis blog, you can learn how they are Making it Easier to Find Relevant Content on the AppleVis Site, learn about the campaign to create the AppleVis iOS App Hall of Fame, and discover the appleVis podcast, among other discoveries.

- Here is an interesting comparison of some of the many digital music services available, of course not taking accessibility into account.

- An organization called the Association of Blind Citizens offers an Assistive Technology Fund to US residents. the Fund provides financial resources to cover 50% of the retail price of adaptive devices or software.

-Blind-aid is a Yahoo group where people can discuss blindness issues and make friends. To join, send a blank message to

-Tech Access Weekly features short Daily tips podcasts and some longer, comprehensive ones regarding assistive technology.

Flying Blind, LLC Launches Apple Accessibility Initiative (AAI)

Flying Blind, LLC will be kicking off 2012 by launching the Apple Accessibility Initiative, or AAI, which is a series of on-site, scalable, and customizable professional development training seminars designed to provide educators of students who are vision impaired with the tools necessary to provide access solutions via mobile iOS-based products within the classroom. Over the past couple of years Apple has done an amazing job of marketing its products to the educational sector of the marketplace. Their approach to providing integrated access via screen magnification, speech, and Braille have afforded vision impaired users comparable access to much of what today's sighted users of mainstream applications have to offer.

As 2011 came to a close Flying Blind, LLC was made aware of a profound need amongst educators of the vision impaired to explore how to appropriately turn Apple touch screen devices into solutions that would enable vision impaired students to independently and efficiently complete tasks within the classroom. The Apple Accessibility Initiative, or AAI, will present educators with all of the integrated access tools available within the Apple operating system, or iOS, as well as a blueprint for how to search for, install, utilize, and maintain all of the appropriate applications necessary to transform these devices into low-cost alternatives to more expensive, traditional means of portable information management.

These fee-based training seminars will be spearheaded by Flying Blind, LLC's founder, Mr. Larry L. Lewis.

Participants in the Apple Accessibility Initiative (AAI) will achieve the following:
·  Be introduced to all of the low-vision, speech, and Braille accessibility features available within portable iOS devices.
·  Learn how to select and install accessible applications specifically pertinent to their school's curriculum.
·  Understand how to search for information, read books, and create/edit/share text and documents with sighted classmates and educators.
·  Be exposed to accessible games that might be played between both vision impaired and sighted users of these devices.

please email for more info