This Blog includes information related to Library Adaptive Technology events, archives, presenter and participant recommendations and suggestions.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Quick Survey on a new product for the Blind and Vision Impaired

Please help this design team!
At the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University, a group of MBA students is designing a high-quality talking watch for the blind and vision impaired.

The link below will take you to a 10-question survey asking your opinion about features that should be included in this new product.

Here is the link to the survey:
Please don't delay!

Responses prior to March 1 will be included in a presentation to key decision-makers regarding this product. Thank you for your input. We look forward to providing a product that delivers genuine value.


Anonymous said...

i took the servae and loved it. I wood love 2take another servay agan!

Anonymous said...

i rekimend thes serva 2any1my my? website/blog has more have takeing the servey it is free apatslutly tolltley free