This Blog includes information related to Library Adaptive Technology events, archives, presenter and participant recommendations and suggestions.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fron Top Tech Tidbits:

In this edition of The Tech Doctor Blog and Podcast, we hear an interview with a prolific mainstream Apple podcaster and committed advocate for Blind Apple users.

Accessibility technology Consultant Jerry Berrier will have fun with his iPhone and let you listen in as he demonstrates a variety of fun apps on Tek Talk on GMT 14 February at 01:00.

A second podcast on using NVDA and iTunes is available.

 The February, 2012 issue of AccessWorld is now available, including A Review of the IBIS HD Video Magnifier (CCTV), an evaluation of The Readit Scholar, Diabetes and Visual Impairment: An Update on Accessible Blood Glucose Meters, information about AccessWorld App Version 1.8 and more:

GW Micro has begun to make available How Do I Do That? video mini-tutorials with fully accessible audio content on particular window-eyes features. The first two free offerings in the series concern how to add an attachment and how to use the ribbon with window-eyes.

The Veterans Health Administration Section 508 office created an innovative set of tutorials that explains portable document format (PDF) accessibility barriers and provides solutions that address them. The tutorial is "Creating Accessible PDFs with Adobe Acrobat Professional" and it is available at:

The VHA Section 508 office also has training on developing accessible Flash. The course is available at:

SpeechHub is a new set of speech synthesizers, at present, only for NVDA. Several synthesizers and languages are available.

The US Internal Revenue Service offers accessible tax preparation assistance.
Here is a Youtube video describing what they offer:

Kathy Ann Murtha announces the release of two new $75 textbooks: Internet Explorer 9 with JAWS for Windows 13 and Internet Explorer 9 with Window-Eyes 7.5

This Blind Access Journal podcast is entitled Take Your Favorite Podcasts on the Road: Downcast for iOS:

The NFB Access Technology Blog offers reviews of News Apps for iOS devices:
And DAISY videos from the eBook Accessibility Symposium: