The Saturday Technology Training Session on January 21st will feature an informal discussion of the outcome of the recent Accessibility Hackathon, as well as demos and an update on the status of ongoing, related projects.
Saturday Technology Training Session
January 21st, 2011
1pm to 4pm
Room 215, Adaptive Services
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library
901 G Street NW
Washington DC, 20001
Our Saturday, January 21st demo and discussion will include the following:
1. A demo by App Developer Zaid Al-Timimi, of a beta version of the Mobile Accessible Book Generator. Powered by The Mashup App, the Mobile Accessible Book Generator allows iPhone/iPad users to create e-books for kids with print disabilities. Originally proposed during the 2011 Adaptive Services Division's Accessibility Hackathon, the Mobile Accessible Book Generator is scheduled for release in the first quarter of 2012. A future version is envisioned to allow users to submit generated books to repositories such as Bentech's Bookshare.
2. A demo by Kevin Johnson and Patrick Timony of some of the other current digital archiving projects and accessible Internet participation applications related to the Accessibility Hackathon and the Adaptive Technology Program.
3. Discussion of future events that could help to build the proposed solutions, including several proposed codeathon events, and the Maker Monday regular meetup at the library.
4. Discussion of a proposed makerspace at the MLK library and the events and activities that could take place there, including skills training, book scanner building, 3D printing, format conversion, and disaster preparedness training and technology development.
The following organizations are currently involved (in no specific order): Adaptive Services Division, LibraryLab, University of Maryland iSchool, OpenForumFoundation, Federal Communications Commission, The Mashup App, Bookshare, VideoWashDC, iStrategyLabs, Bread for the City, Gallaudet Technology Access Program, HAC-DC.
Library Lab ( is a demonstration project at the DC Public Library that is designed as a community center for annotation, classification, creation, curation, digitization; education and publication, reading and writing and media production.
Free training is available in the Adaptive Services Division, to teach the basics of using ATs. Networking programs and events on the topic of ATs are coordinated at the library and in the DC area. Here is a list of our current activities:
AT Training Program
Saturday Technology Training Sessions bi-monthly user group
Adaptive Services Interest Group AT professional meet-up
Accessibility DC Monthly meet-up
AccessibilityCampDC Annual Unconference
Adaptive Technology Tips and Hints online AT tutorials
Adaptive Services Internet Classroom - learn ATs on your own
Accessibility Hackathon Project
Maker Mondays
Tech Talk Tuesdays
Audio-Video Archive
Saturday Technology Training Sessions are the 1st and 3rd Saturdays, 1pm to 4pm Adaptive Services Division, DC Public Library, Room 215 Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library 901 G Street NW Washington DC 20001.